Task ID: O-0214


Given a map, pencil, a straight edge, a known point and a grid azimuth.


Within 2 minutes, plot the azimuth from the given point on a map.


Training Outline

  1. In some situations, a team might be given an azimuth to plot. A good example would be if another ground team has determined a bearing to a distress beacon from their location. Plotting this azimuth on your map could help with the search.
  2. To plot an azimuth.
    1. Plot the point on the map.
    2. Ensure that the azimuth is a grid, not a magnetic azimuth. If it is magnetic, convert to a grid azimuth.
    3. Place the protractor on the point with the "0" degree mark oriented to grid north. Place a pencil mark at the degree mark on protractor corresponding to the azimuth.
    4. With a straightedge, draw a line from the first point (the position) through the mark you just made.

Additional Information

More detailed information on this topic is available in Chapter 5 of the Ground Team Member & Leader Reference Guide.

Evaluation Preparation


On a map, mark a point. Give the student the map, a pencil, a straightedge, and a protractor.

Brief Team Leader:

Verbally give the team leader a grid azimuth. Tell the team leader to plot the azimuth from the point marked on the map within 2 minutes.


Performance measuresResults
1. Draws a line from the point along the correct azimuth +/- 2 degrees within 2 minutesPass | Fail

Student must receive a pass on all performance measures to qualify in this task. If the individual fails any measure, show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly.

Based on CAP SQTR Reference